Introduction to GS14 By Example

GS14 By Example is a knowledgebase for figuring out how to do a lot of simple tasks in the GS14 codebase, like adding prototypes, entities, components, visualizers, etc. GS14 By Example assumes you haven’t read any other documentation, but does assume you are familiar with C# and YAML. Each example is not self contained, and may use information learned in previous GS14 By Example documentation.

If you’re coming here from BYOND or SS13, hello! These docs are written with that audience in mind, and it tries to translate some broad topics from SS13 into GS14 and Robust Toolbox.

GS14 By Example will not cover extending content that already exists in GS14, such as construction, chemistry, body system, or botany. These should either be evident from the code, or are covered in Content Documentation. You can see the topics that will be covered in the sidebar, or at the bottom of this page.

GS14 By Example will also not cover basic setup or cover any codebase info like conventions or common nomenclature, as these have their own documentation elsewhere on this site.
