T -> IEnumerable<T> where T: INumber<T>
Returns 1..N
T -> IEnumerable<T> where T: INumber<T>
Returns N..M
IEnumerable<T> -> IEnumerable<T>
Filters the input by the provided code block.
IEnumerable<T> -> IEnumerable<T>
Filters the input by uniqueness, eliminating duplicate values.
IEnumerable<T> -> IEnumerable<T>
Removes N values from the input, discarding the rest.
IEnumerable<T> -> IEnumerable<T>
Removes a quantity (amount or percentage) of values from the input randomly, discarding the rest.
IEnumerable<T> -> IEnumerable<T>
Sorts the input from least to greatest.
IEnumerable<T> -> IEnumerable<T>
Sorts the input from least to greatest using the given ordering value.
entities sortby { allcomps count }
IEnumerable<T> -> IEnumerable<T>
Sorts the input from least to greatest using the given ordering value, returning the ordering values.
IEnumerable<T> -> IEnumerable<T>
Sorts the input from greatest to least.
IEnumerable<T> -> IEnumerable<T>
Sorts the input from greatest to least using the given ordering value.
IEnumerable<T> -> IEnumerable<T>
Sorts the input from greatest to least using the given ordering value, returning the ordering values.
Returns true if the input is empty, otherwise false.
This command can be inverted with not
Returns true if the input is null, otherwise false.
This command can be inverted with not
Counts the number of values in the input.
IEnumerable<T> -> IEnumerable<T>
Repeats the given code block N times over it’s own output, effectively f(f(...N f(x)))
Returns the first value in the input, or errors if there isn’t one.
Repeats the input value N times.
IEnumerable<T> -> IDictionary<T, int>
Counts the number of times each unique instance of T occurs in the input, returning a dictionary of unique instance : count.
IEnumerable<TIn> -> IEnumerable<TOut>
Applies the given code block to each element of the input.
Reduces the input, effectively f(x1, f(x2, ...f(xn-1, xn)))