Entity commands


[none] -> IEnumerable<EntityUid>

Returns a list of all entities in the simulation.

[none] -> EntityUid

Returns the given entity.

IEnumerable?<EntityCoordinates> -> IEnumerable?<EntityUid>

Spawns a new entity at the given coordinates.

IEnumerable?<EntityUid> -> IEnumerable?<EntityUid>

Spawns a new entity on the other given entity.

IEnumerable?<EntityUid> -> IEnumerable?<EntityUid>

Spawns a new entity attached to the other given entity.


IEnumerable<EntityUid> -> IEnumerable<EntityUid>

Filters the input for entities with some given component. This command can be inverted with not.

IEnumerable<EntityUid> -> IEnumerable<EntityUid>

Filters the input for entities built from a given prototype. This command can be inverted with not.

IEnumerable<EntityUid> -> IEnumerable<EntityUid>

Filters the input for entities that are currently paused. This command can be inverted with not.

IEnumerable?<EntityUid> -> IEnumerable<EntityUid>

Filters for entities nearby the inputs, returning all entities within range of it.

IEnumerable<EntityUid> -> IEnumerable<EntityUid>

Filters the input for entities with a name matching the regex $regex^.


IEnumerable?<EntityUid> -> IEnumerable?<bool>

Returns true if the input entity has the given component, otherwise false.


IEnumerable?<EntityUid> -> IEnumerable?<EntityCoordinates>

Returns the coordinates of the input entities, relative to their parent.

IEnumerable?<EntityUid> -> IEnumerable?<EntityCoordinates>

Returns the coordinates of the input entities, relative to the map.


IEnumerable<EntityUid> -> [none]

Deletes the inputs from the simulation. Gone. Poof.

IEnumerable?<EntityUid> -> IEnumerable?<EntityUid>

Replaces the given entities with another of some prototype, preserving only it’s position and rotation.

IEnumerable?<EntityUid> -> IEnumerable?<EntityUid>

Teleports the input to the given coordinates.

IEnumerable?<EntityUid> -> IEnumerable?<EntityUid>

Teleports the input to the given entity.

IEnumerable?<EntityUid> -> IEnumerable?<EntityUid>

Teleports the input into the given entity.

IEnumerable?<EntityUid> -> IEnumerable?<EntityUid>

Adds the given component to the entity.

IEnumerable?<EntityUid> -> IEnumerable?<EntityUid>

Ensures the input has the given component.

IEnumerable?<EntityUid> -> IEnumerable?<EntityUid>

Removes the given component from the entity.
